- Pause now and be still and silent within yourself. Enjoy this time with the words you read. You are being offered an opportunity to remember to enjoy it just as it is and just as you are... right now.
- Give thanks for the people, places and things, for the experiences they bring... even in the little things. Dare to be thankful for making it through rush hour traffic safely, watching the sunset, places you have visited. Create opportunities to give thanks. You may know someone who never seems happy? Be ready with a smile and a kind word each time you see them. It may require patience, but eventually, they'll smile first when they see you. You will then find that your interactions with them will be much more pleasant. And guess what... you'll have a new reason to be thankful.
- Acknowledge a moment being offered, it amplifies the moment for everyone. Consciously connect with it and appreciate it. Let others know when they've done something that you're thankful for. For example, let the power of the moment rejuvenate others... let your daughter that your shopping excursion with her was a pleasure or let your friend know that the email she sent to you really made your day. Acknowledge and celebrate not only the power the moment gives you, but the one who reminded you it was there for you.
So pause, give thanks and acknowledge the moment. The beauty of enjoying the moment is in the stillness of your mind... slow down. You can't fast forward or freeze frame moments you want to enjoy... they are all absorbing. Dare to pause now and be still within. Realize the beauty in every moment, and in everyday activities too. It’s a conscious act that requires your participation... not just your observation. Remember that the reward is a richer, fuller life. This is your life, so live it now and dare to... enjoy the moment.
Click here to read more articles from my Dare to... series.
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